Choosing a Dentist That’s Right for You

by May 26, 2021Tooth Blog0 comments

When choosing a new dentist, there are many factors that can go into making sure you find one that is kind and compassionate, while also being thorough and clear about your oral health. With so many options, narrowing down your search requires some effort, but is well worth it to find the right fit for you.

Let’s take a look at some helpful tips to aid you in your search for the dentist that fits your needs:

Tip #1: Find a dentist with who is friendly and communicative 

Everyone at one time or another gets nervous to see the dentist, but if you have one that is kind and friendly, it greatly really helps ease your anxiety. Visiting the dentist should be a positive experience, even without the laughing gas. Make sure to chat with your dentist and feel out the entire office. Never settle with a dentist that makes you feel uncomfortable or doesn’t address questions about your oral and overall health.

Tip #2: Make sure the dentist is covered by insurance and their fees are affordable

Some dentists, even after insurance, can be quite pricey. Make sure you are provided a chart of the costs or are made aware of the fees for each service before your first appointment. You don’t want to be hit with hidden or sudden costs after the fact. A quick call or email to your dental insurance company will help you figure out which dentists in your area can be of service. If you are on a budget, some dental offices offer payment plans as well.

Tip #3: The dental office should be in a convenient location

Having a dentist that is close is a great benefit if you have any sort of dental emergency or just don’t want to sit in traffic for an hour to get to their office. You can check on your phone or computer how far away your potential dentist’s office is from your home or work. You shouldn’t have to take 3 buses to get to the dentist office. If you have a busy schedule, finding a quality dentist near you is essential.

Tip #4: Always get consistent care

No one wants to see a new face every time they go to the doctor or dentist. Seeing the same dentist is important so they can keep tabs on your oral history and will know if anything looks different or off. Because dentists give cancer screenings, it’s great to have the same person caring for your teeth every visit.

Tip #5: Research the dentist

There are many ways to make sure you are seeing a quality dentist. The ADA has a find-a-dentist website where they will give you a list of ADA-certified dentists in your area. You can also search Google reviews and Yelp reviews to hear testimonials directly from actual patients. 

Tip #6: Top-notch technology and service

You always want to make sure your dentist is up to date with all the latest techniques and tech that comes with being an ADA-certified dentist. Make sure they also do everything in house so you don’t have to go to a different office for x-rays or labs. Everything should be available in the same office for your convenience. 

Next, let’s go to the experts and see what the ADA suggests you do when starting out looking for a new dentist. They recommend:

  • Ask your primary doctor or local pharmacist for any recommendations. 
  • Ask family, friends, or co-workers for suggestions.
  • Contact your local dental society. The ADA’s website has a list of all local and state dental societies. 
  • Visit more than one dentist office in your search. Compare and contrast each one and see which matches your needs the best.

Finding a reliable, understanding, and knowledgeable dentist is important for your dental health and will make sure you never feel tense about getting into the dentist’s chair ever again. You and your new dentist should mesh well and you should always feel like your oral health is their number one priority. Following these tips should help you find your ideal dentist in no time at all.

Find Your New Dentist Today at Mountain & Sea Dental

Mountain and Sea Dental takes a holistic approach to dentistry for the whole family. We recognize that every system in your body is connected. We aim to offer outstanding whole-person oral care that takes your body and health into consideration.

We listen to your health goals and work with you to chart a holistic treatment that will take into account nutrition and overall dental health.

Please don’t settle for less than quality care. You and your family are worth it — contact us today to book an appointment.

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