What Your Gums Say About Your Oral Health

by Jul 18, 2021Tooth Blog0 comments

When you get a cavity, your body tells you with tooth pain and discomfort. But when you get gum disease, it can be harder to see that your oral health is in need of some attention before it has progressed and periodontal disease has begun. More people suffer from gum disease than you may think, with 42% of adults over 30 displaying some form of the disease. 

Our bodies can be good indicators for health if we know where to look. Did you know that your gum color is one of the ways you can tell if you have gum disease and how serious your gingivitis is? Let’s go over how to discern what our gums are trying to say to us with how they look and act and also discuss what we can do to keep our gums and teeth healthy and happy.

Gum Color

The more you pay attention to your gum color, the better you can understand if you have any issues and will know when to see your dentist if there is an issue. Color and texture are a great way to check on your overall health as well. Pink

Pink is generally the color we all strive to keep or gums at. You want your gums to be a light or dark pink and firm to the touch, with no pain or bleeding. This is a sign that your gums are healthy and getting plenty of blood flow. 

Keep brushing and flossing twice daily, and use mouthwash after meals to maintain healthy pink gums.


If your gums start to become red and swollen, you are most likely experiencing the beginning stages of gingivitis. Plaque will start to buildup on the base of the tooth near the gum line and that plaque will start to infect your gums, as it is filled with bacteria that leads to infection and irritation. You will more than likely experience tenderness and bleeding with flossing or brushing as well at this stage. 

Do not ignore bleeding or red gums. See your dentist immediately. You may need a deep cleaning that removes the plaque build up and addresses any infection present. 


With white gums, you are like experiencing an infection that is fungal or viral in nature. It is best to see a dentist or gum specialist as soon as you can.

You may need to get some medication from your primary care doctor if it is an infection this advanced. 


Yellow gums can mean a few things. If your gums seem to have a yellowish tint to them, it is likely that you have gingivitis. Early stages of gingivitis (periodontal disease) can be fixed, but more advanced stages can just be tamed, so make sure to get your gingivitis under control before it advances to a stage that you can’t reverse. 

Also, if the yellow spot is concentrated on your gums, you may have ulcers. It is wise to see a dentist as soon as possible to assess the problem and plan for next steps and to rule out ulcers and advanced periodontal disease.


If you find you are developing gray gums or a gray film on the surface of your gums, you may be experiencing a weakened immune system. Bacterial growth is a key factor in your immune system and periodontal disease exacerbates said growth. Smoking is also a factor in weakening the immune system and makes it difficult to get rid of the bacteria as well. Bacteria can spread, so you want to do whatever is necessary to stop that spread.

Brushing, flossing and regular teeth cleanings can help inhibit bacterial growth. If your gums are starting to look gray even with regular brushing and flossing, see your dentist as soon as possible.

Gum color is a good way to assess your oral health, but it’s definitely not the only way. Here are an additional few things to look out for to help determine if periodontal disease has begun:

Other signs of periodontal disease:

  • Swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Metallic taste in mouth
  • Persistent Bad breath
  • Loose teeth

Keeping your gums and mouth healthy is a manageable task if you know what to look for. Gum color is a simple way to keep basic tabs on your health. If your own routine is not clearing up your issues, ensure you see your dentist. Dentists are trained to spot signs of gum disease, cancerous lesions, and oral infections. Never feel worried or embarrassed to talk to your dentist, they know what to look for and the right treatment options for your individual situation.

Your Gums Deserve The Best

Mountain and Sea Dental takes a holistic approach to dentistry for the whole family. We recognize that every system in your body is connected. We aim to offer outstanding whole person oral care that takes your body and health into consideration.

We listen to your health goals and work with you to chart a holistic treatment that will take into account nutrition and overall dental health. Please don’t settle for less than quality care. You and your family are worth it — contact us today to book an appointment.

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